For brands.

We work
 For brands.
So they look, mean and evolve.

We are a small, independent branding studio from Poland. For over 15 years we have been making brands visible, internationally.

We design how brands look. From print to online. Comprehensively. We adore solutions that are simple and intriguing in every detail.

Our projects have been awarded by Logo Lounge, Behance Network, Brand New, Computer Arts, Brand!, The Dieline, Magic Branding, Fubiz, 2+3D, Print Control and many more.

We are partner of the Swiss design consultancy group VVS.

Branding of Ideo Architekci studio from Wroclaw, was an incredible experience thanks to both an open-minded owner and clearly set goals.

Our idea was for the identity to be more urban than classic and refer to the aesthetics developed on the street rather than at the university.

The idea behind the logo is ‘maximum of flexibility’. It becomes a living form, filling out the space and adjusting its size to the ID area.


The system gives also a great possibility to create a ‘text fields’ inside the logo ID structure. It might be used for various purposes within ID or any other promotional materials.

The most characteristic element of the new identity is the design of business cards.

They’re made of 3mm transparent material in which the refracting light creates interesting reflections depending on the angle of looking at their edges.